Get current GPS data for all the devices the calling user can access among a list (if provided) or from all the devices in the account (if the list is not provided).

Provides the last GPS data for the devices a user can access among the deviceIds list (if provided) or from all the devices in the account (if the list is not provided). These data were stored in the database as far back as the given minTimestamp (or 30 minutes back in the past from now if minTimestamp is not provided). Only one entry will be provided per device.
The results can be filtered by defining a circular area that must contain the geolocation (if latitude, longitude and radius are defined). This filter makes more sense when requesting data for a set of devices than for a single device for a user case like "get the devices close to a point given by longitude and latitude now".

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Query Params

Defines the start time of the time interval that must contain the requested GPS data.
When the minTimestamp is not explicitly provided, the interval is open-ended, so it goes as far
back as possible (unless stated otherwise in the description of the endpoint).

-90 to 90

Latitude of the center point of the circular area that must contain the GPS data in a search query. When provided, it must be provided together with the longitude and the radius parameters.

-180 to 180

Longitude of the center point of the circular area that must contain the GPS data in a search query. When provided, it must be provided together with the latitude and the radius parameters.

≥ 1

Radius (measured in meters from the point provided by the latitude and longitude) of the circular area that must contain the GPS data in a search query. When provided, it must be provided together with the latitude and the longitude parameters.

10 to 500
Defaults to 100

Gives the maximum number of entries that will be returned in a single request. A default and maximum value are set to keep returned counts reasonable.

Body Params

If this field is present, only GPS data linked to the given deviceIds are returned.


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