JUMP TOSharedAuthenticationGet access tokenpostGet authorization codepostCreate a new session for the authenticated userpostDeletes the token of the logged in user.deleteCamerasCameraSimGet currently used SIM card.getWait till camera is in given state.putSet SIM card detailsputCamera StatusGet the status of the camera.getGet the status of all cameras.getCamera ModeUpdate the camera modepatchGet the camera mode per camera IdgetGet the camera mode for all camerasgetCameras RecordingGet the list of all recordings of this camera.getGet the list of all recordings of the user.getGet a single recording.getSequenceGet sequences for the accountgetAdd sequence for the accountpostupdate sequence for the accountpatchdelete sequence for the account.deleteCameraGet the list of all cameras the user has access to.getAdds a camera.postGet info of a specific camera.getModify the details of a specific camera.patchDeletes a specific camera.deleteCamera Addition StatusWait for camera status to change to a terminal state (success or failure).getGet the addition status of all cameras of the account.getCamera StreamsGet the streams of the camera.getCamera Device InfoGet device info of cameragetCamera Video Stream SettingsGet the video settings of the cameragetUpdate the video settings of the camerapatchReset the video stream settings of a camera back to defaults.deleteCamera Footage SettingsGet the footage settings of the cameragetUpdate the footage settings of the camerapatchGet the footage capabilities of the cameragetCamera LocationGet location of all the cameras in the account.getGet location of a specific camera.getUpdate location a specific camera.patchCamera FirmwareGet the firmware status for the given camera.getStart firmware upgrade for the given camera.postGet the list of firmware statuses for all cameras the user has access to.getCamera SnapshotGet the snapshot of the camera.getCamera MicrophoneGet microphoneEnable camera attribute.getSet microphoneEnabled camera attribute.putGet the camera microphoneEnable attributes for all cameras.getCamera PTZSets a camera PTZ.postSubscription RightsGet the subscription rights for this camera.getGet the subscriptions rights for all camerasgetCamera JobsGet the list of currently active or previously finished camera related jobs.getGet the details of a single camera related job.getScheduleGet week-long camera reocording schedulegetsave week-long camera recording scheduleputGet week-long mail notification schedulegetsave week-long mail notification scheduleputGet week-long push notification schedulegetsave week-long push notification scheduleputVideo SummaryTriggers the generation of a video summary.postRetrieve video summary mp4 file by job id.getCamera CapabilitiesGet the device capabilitiesgetGet image modification capabilitiesgetGet the system capabilitiesgetGet the fine-grained ptz capabilitiesgetGet the fine-grained Wi-Fi capabilitiesgetGet the fine-grained Edge Storage capabilitiesgetGet the fine-grained capabilities for device inputs and outputsgetGet the fine-grained capabilities for a specific relay output of the cameragetGet the fine-grained capabilities for a specific digital input of the cameragetEdge StorageGet edge storage info of the cameragetGet edge storage recording configurationgetUpdate edge storage recording configurationpatchFormat the edge storage locationpostStarts a recording sync jobpostGet edge recording status for specific storage location on a given camera.getCamera WifiGet the Wi-Fi connection status for the given camera.getRequest a Wi-Fi status update such as enabling or disabling the functionality or requesting the camera to connect to a certain known network.patchGet a list of Wi-Fi networks currently visible to the camera.getGet a list of Wi-Fi networks saved to the camera.getSave the given network to the camera and for most cameras request the camera to connect to the given network.postConnect to an already saved networkputRemove a network from the set of saved networks on the camera.deleteGeneRic APIAccount TimezoneGet account timezone of the user.getUpdate the account timezone of the requesting user.patchTime ZoneGet list of supported time zonesgetLanguageGet a list of supported languagesgetVideo ExportTriggers the generation of a video to be startedpostRetrieve generated video footage mov file by job id.getScheduleGet week-long camera reocording schedulegetsave week-long camera recording scheduleputGet week-long mail notification schedulegetsave week-long mail notification scheduleputGet week-long push notification schedulegetsave week-long push notification scheduleputVideo AnalyticsGet video analytics settings for the camera.getUpdate video analytics settings of the camera.putAdd a new area for the camerapostUpdate an area for the cameraputPartially update an area for the camerapatchDelete an area for the cameradeleteDevice TypeGet the list of all supported device types.getZoneGet the list of all zones the user has access to.getCreates a new zone.postGet info of a specific zone.getPartially updates info of a specific zone.patchUpdates all the info of a specific zone.putDeletes a specific zone.deleteGet cameras of a specific zone.getMove cameras into the zone.patchUpdates the zone of a specific camera.putGPSGet GPS data for all the devices the calling user can access among a list (if provided) or from all the devices in the account (if the list is not provided).postGet current GPS data for all the devices the calling user can access among a list (if provided) or from all the devices in the account (if the list is not provided).postCountryGet a list of supported countriesgetSequenceV24Get sequences for the accountgetAdd sequence for the accountpostupdate sequence for the accountpatchdelete sequence for the account.deleteDetectionsVideo Motion DetectionGet video detection enabled camera attribute.getSet video motion detection enabled camera attribute.putPIR DetectionGet PIR detection enabled camera attribute.getSet PIR detection enabled camera attribute.putAudio DetectionGet audio detection enabled camera attribute.getSet audio detection enabled camera attribute.putDoorbellGet doorbell detection enabled camera attribute.getSet doorbell detection enabled camera attribute.putCamera Detection CapabilitiesGet whether the different detection capabilities of a camera are available.getEventsEvent SearchSearches for events.postEventGet all eventsgetCreates a new event.postRetrieve a specific event.getUpdate an event.patchEvent Available TypesRetrieve available event types for an account.getEvent Searchable FieldsRetrieve the searchable fieldsgetEvent SnapshotRetrieve the snapshot associated to an event.getFacesGet all facesgetCreate a facepostGet a facegetUpdate a face.patchFace Sample ImagesGet a face sample imagegetFace SamplesGet all face samplesgetUpload a face samplepostGet a face samplegetUpdate a face samplepatchDeletes a face sampledeleteEvent WebhooksCreate a new webhook.postGet all event webhooks.getGet information of a specific webhook event.getDeletes a specific webhook.deleteUsersUser Notification SettingsGet user notification settingsgetGet user notification setting for a given notification type.getUpdate user notification setting for a given notification type.patchUser StatusGet the status of the current user.getUpdates the status of the current user.patchUser RightsGet permissions of the current user.getGet permissions of a specified user.getUpdate permissions of a specified user.patchUser Password ResetRequest a password reset for a given email address.postUser BaseGet a list of all users the user has access to.getCreate a new user.postGet basic information about the current user.getUpdate basic information about the current user.patchGet basic information about a specific user.getUpdate basic information about a specific user.patchDelete a specific user.deleteUser DetailsGet details information about the user.getUpdates details information about the user.patchUser CredentialsGet the status of user credentials.getUpdates credentials for the user.patchUserMfaGet the multi-factor authentication settings for the current user.getUpdates the multi-factor authentication settings for the current user.patchDevicesDevice IOGet the current settings for all the existing digital inputs in the given devicegetGet the current settings for the given digital inputgetChange the settings for the given digital inputpatchGet the status of the device input.getGet the status of all device inputs.getSet the status of the device output.putGet the status of the device output.getGet the status of all device outputs.getGet the current settings for the given relay outputgetChange the settings for the given relay outputpatchGet the current settings for all relay outputs of the devicegetDevice Channel SnapshotGet the snapshot of the channel of the given device the user has access to.getAdd Device StatusWait for device status to change to a terminal state (success or failure).getGet the addition status of all devices of the account.getDevice FirmwareGet the firmware status for the given device.getStart firmware upgrade for the given device.postGet the list of firmware statuses for all devices the user has access to.getDevice Channel CameraAdds a camera to a device channel.postDevice InfoGet device info of a devicegetDevice MaintenanceDevice maintenanceputDevice JobsGet the list of currently active or previously finished device related jobs.getGet the details of a single device related job.getDevice ChannelGet the list of all channels of the given device the user has access to.getGet one of the channels of the given device the user has access to.getDevice StatusRetrieves the status of a specific devicegetDevice Connection DetailsGet the details needed to establish a connectiongetUpdate the device connection details and optionally run connection test.patchDevice Connection CredentialsGet the credentials needed to establish a connection with a device.getUpdate the device connection credentials in the backend.patchDeviceType CredentialsGet the default credentials of the device, given the device's type ID.getdEALER dASHBOARDAccountGet a list of accountsgetAdds an account.postRetrieves a single account and details about the account ownergetUpdates an account and/or the account owner's informationpatchMoves account to resellerputAccount Camera SlotsRetrieves camera slots for accountgetAccount UserGet a list of usersgetAdds a user.postRetrieves a single usergetUpdates a userpatchDelete a single user.deleteGet the status of user credentials.getUpdates a user credentialspatchGet all users from all accounts of all resellers belonging to the logged in distributorgetGet all users from all accounts belonging to the logged in resellergetAccount SubscriptionsGet the list of subscriptionsgetCreate a new subscriptionpostGet a specific subscriptiongetDelete a subscriptiondeleteModify an existing subscriptionpatchCamera SummaryGet all cameras for accountgetGet single camera summary for the accountgetCurrent UserGet base info about current usergetDistributorsGet a list of distributorsgetAdds a Distributor.postRetrieves a single distributorgetUpdates one or more of the distributors core informationpatchRetrieves a single distributor's more in depth detailsgetPartly updates a single distributor's detailspatchRetrieves counts of objects related the distributorgetHelpdeskGet JNLP file to open helpdeskgetMobile HelpdeskGet URL for mobile client to open helpdeskgetProfilesGet profiles of an accountgetAdds a profile.postGet profile by IDgetUpdates a single profilepatchDeletes a single profiledeleteUpdates a set of permissionspatchResellersGet a list of resellersgetAdds a reseller.postRetrieves a single resellerget(Partly) updates a single reseller's core informationpatchMoves reseller to distributorputRetrieves a single reseller's more in depth detailsget(Partly) updates a single reseller's detailspatchRetrieves counts of objects related to the resellergetReseller SubscriptionGet available subscriptionsgetToken GenerationGenerate token for a user by user IDpostWebApp HelpdeskGet URL for webapp client to open helpdeskgetPowered by Get a list of supported countriesget http://rest.cameramanager.com/rest/v2.1/countriesRetrieves a list of supported countries by our system.