Message Broker V2.4
Changes are related to the camera detection event types and face resource messages.
This is the server-to-server communication description.
With the server to server API, it is possible to receive (both camera, user and face resource) events through a message queue. The messages are JSON encoded and are sent over WebSockets with the STOMP protocol.
Before start using this API, we at CameraManager need to setup and configure the message queue before you can use this. The configuration and some more explanation need to be discussed beforehand.
Each message type has to be configured separately, and hence request for the same has to be made separately.
Camera detection event types
There are following event types supported by the new version of the Message Broker:
- audioDetected
- vmdDetected
- pirDetected
- doorbellDetected
- cameraOnline
- cameraOffline
- audioCategorized
- objectDetected
- objectInAreaDetected
- objectTripwireDetected
- personDetected
- personInAreaDetected
- personTripwireDetected
- animalDetected
- faceDetected
- faceRecognized
Events on the event_full_v24 exchange has the same structure as the JSON response of the Events API - without the stream URLs. For details on the response, please refer to the documentation of the API here:
To get messages related to the events you can subscribe to a topic using following exchange name and routing key:
/exchange/{system name}_{message_type}/{partnerId}.{acountId}.{cameraId}.{action}.{eventTypes}
exchange_name = {system name}_{message_type}
routing_key = {partnerId}.{acountId}.{cameraId}.{action}.{eventTypes}
Fields explanation
Topic | Description |
{system name} | A unique name given by EEN to each analytics system |
{partnerId} | Unique identifier of the partner (reseller or distributor) that the end-user account belongs to. |
{action} | For event resource messages, there currently is a single action type: “create”: the event was just created. |
{cameraId} | Unique identifier of the camera. |
{eventTypes} | The “eventTypes” path variable can be used to identify and filter on the event types the client is interested in. The variable is composed of the event type of the event and all super types of that type, ordered from parent to child. As an example, the eventType variable for a faceRecognized would be: objectDetected.faceDetected.faceRecognized , which allows clients that only support objectDetected to receive and handle the same events as a client that support faceRecognized |
{message_type} | Internal version of our event API. The type currently supported: "event_full_v24": Gives the full event details, what you would get using the Events API |
{accountId} | Unique identifier of the account the event belongs to. |
Example for event_full_v24 message type:
"eventId": 15720517375,
"type": "faceDetected",
"source": {
"type": "camera",
"sourceId": 32,
"accountId": 12345
"timestamp": "2021-05-04T07:10:03.371+0000",
"namespace": "",
"boundingBox": [
"confidence": 1.0
Face resource messages
JSON Structure
"accountId": <account_id>,
"faceId": <face_id>,
"timestamp": <timestamp>,
"action": <action>
Fields explanation
Parameter | Type | Description |
account_id | integer | Unique identifier of the account that event belongs to. |
faceId | string:GUID | Unique identifier in GUID format of the person. |
timestamp | string: ISO 8601 date-time | Timestamp when the event occurred. In format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ". |
action | string | The action that took place:
To get messages related to faces you can subscribe to a topic using following exchange name and routing key:
/exchange/{system name}_{message_type}/{partnerId}.{acountId}.{action}
exchangename = {system name}{message_type}
routing_key = {partnerId}.{acountId}.{action}
Topic | Description |
{system name} | A unique name given by EEN to each analytics system |
{message_type} | Internal version of our event API. For camera detection events it is "face_v24". |
{partnerId} | Unique identifier of the partner (reseller or distributor) that the end-user account belongs to. |
{accountId} | Unique identifier of the account the event belongs to. |
{action} | For face resource messages, there are three possible action types:
"accountId": 12345,
"faceId": "b6e27147-f649-448e-8056-792d2d9654f1",
"timestamp": "2020-11-17T14:03:01.221+0000",
"action": "create"
"accountId": 12345,
"faceId": "b6e27147-f649-448e-8056-792d2d9654f1",
"timestamp": "2020-11-17T14:03:01.221+0000",
"action": "update"
"accountId": 12345,
"faceId": "b6e27147-f649-448e-8056-792d2d9654f1",
"timestamp": "2020-11-17T14:03:01.221+0000",
"action": "delete"
Topic filtering
Although it can be useful to subscribe to a specific topic, normally wildcards will be used to receive events from a wide range. A topic is built up out of multiple words separated by .
(dot) characters,
The following wildcards are accepted:
(star) can substitute for exactly one word.
(hash) can substitute for zero or more words.
For example, an event with routing key 12345.12345.32.create.objectDetected.faceDetected
12345.12345.32.create.objectDetected.faceDetected : True
12345.12345.32.create.objectDetected.faceDetected.# : True
12345.12345.32.create.objectDetected.# : True
12345.12345.32.create.objectDetected : False
12345.12345.*.create.objectDetected.faceDetected : True
12345...create.objectDetected.faceDetected : True
12345...*.objectDetected.faceDetected : True
*.12345.32.create.# : True
STOMP communication example
Message consumer connects to the Cameramanager server at IP using WebSockets protocol and STOMP transport.
The consumer is authenticated by using the partner email and its password to be used in the Authorization header like:
[ws://] (ws://
[wss://] (wss://
Authorization: Basic <partner_email>:
(<partner_email>: should be encoded in Base64)
Communication example on STOMP level:
_Client/message consumer messages are marked by red
_Server/message broker messages are marked by grey
CONNECT accept-version:1.2
heart-beat:30000,60000 <<< setup ping intervals in seconds
destination:/exchange/<exchange_name>/<routing_key> <<< subscribe to the exchange <exchange_name> for a specific routing key
ack:client <<< client will send explicit acknowledgement message
prefetch-count:1 <<< number of prefetch messages
destination/exchange/<exchangename>/123.456.32.create.objectDetected.faceDetected <<< event of type «faceDetected»
ACK id:Q_/exchange/@@session-u0pwVrymhyUHmLLwD6ERnQ@@2*****************
You can use all possibilities of the stomp protocol
- subscribe to different queues via the same connection
- open simultaneously multiple connections
- control the way of acknowledgement mechanism: auto/client/client-individual (for further information check stomp documentation at
Updated over 1 year ago